Masquerade is a thief inspired game where the player uses stealth.
A Robot Corporation has taken over Venice and has put a stop to the Venetian Festivals. you must use stealth and grapple hooks to traverse this dystopian Venice and collect the masks to restore the power back to the people and bring the festival back to life.
A Robot Corporation has taken over Venice and has put a stop to the Venetian Festivals. you must use stealth and grapple hooks to traverse this dystopian Venice and collect the masks to restore the power back to the people and bring the festival back to life.
My RoleMy role during this project was Senior Technical Designer and the work I contributed to this project was AI and animation implementation, As well as setting up test builds for the team to run when we got to bug testing.
A.I I created three different types of AI for the player to face Camera A.I will act as an alarm alerting other AI to the area, Sight patrol A.I will walk around the level and only activates when it sees the player. Sound patrol A.I will patrol around the level and only activates when it can hear the players footsteps. The animation implementation this consisted of creating the player's animation blueprints and making sure the animations all worked together and they were smooth. The enemy animations only needed two animations movement and the attack. Other tasks during the project consisted of assigning tasks for the technical design juniors. creating test builds ready for QA sessions, outlining what needs testing within the build. once test sessions were complete I'd collect all the results and then upload the bugs to the JIRA Bug report section and then colour code them on what needs fixing first. And finally, help fix any issues found in the test sessions or offer suggestions on how it can be fixed ready for the next test session. |
Team Members
Design Considerations
The design behind the Camera A.I was to make it to scan a particular area which would test the player's sneaking ability and ability to get through an enclosed area undetected, setting the camera to move on the spot to look at two different points was the easy part, the tricky part came when getting the detection to change the light once the player had been seen for a certain amount of time. After getting the light had changed it would send an alarm which the Sound Patrol A.I would listen for and then make the enemy move to that location, This would finally make it run its sight detection which would spot and pursue the player.
The second A.I implemented was the Sound patrol A.I, this enemy type was designed to traverse around the level and only activate its behaviour tree once the player has caused too much sound in the vicinity of the A.I, the enemy would then chase the player until they were able to escape a certain distance or defeat the enemy.
The final A.I created was the Sight Patrol A.I, this enemy type would patrol points and will keep patrolling until the player broke the enemies line of sight. The enemy would advance the player until a certain distance was broken or if the player had defeated the A.I, if the player was able to break the distance then the A.I would return to the patrol path.
Another part of the game I designed and implemented, Was the grapple hook mechanic. The idea behind this mechanic was to allow the player to have a better chance of escaping the enemy if required. But also allow the player to travel quicker through the level without being spotted by the enemy. The distance was clamped to a specific value which would stop the player abusing the distance they could travel as well as adding an ability timer to make the player use it at an appropriate time, making the player think and adapt to their surroundings.
The second A.I implemented was the Sound patrol A.I, this enemy type was designed to traverse around the level and only activate its behaviour tree once the player has caused too much sound in the vicinity of the A.I, the enemy would then chase the player until they were able to escape a certain distance or defeat the enemy.
The final A.I created was the Sight Patrol A.I, this enemy type would patrol points and will keep patrolling until the player broke the enemies line of sight. The enemy would advance the player until a certain distance was broken or if the player had defeated the A.I, if the player was able to break the distance then the A.I would return to the patrol path.
Another part of the game I designed and implemented, Was the grapple hook mechanic. The idea behind this mechanic was to allow the player to have a better chance of escaping the enemy if required. But also allow the player to travel quicker through the level without being spotted by the enemy. The distance was clamped to a specific value which would stop the player abusing the distance they could travel as well as adding an ability timer to make the player use it at an appropriate time, making the player think and adapt to their surroundings.
Game Trailer |
Gameplay Video |
Progression Videos