Team17 - Senior QA Analyst ( June 2023 - November 2023)
After completing just over a year I was promoted from QA Analyst to Senior QA Analyst at Team17.
Team17 - QA Analyst (May 2022 - June 2023)
Joined Team17 at the end of May 2022 after leaving Codemasters/EA and was successful in getting a full time QA Analyst role.
Codemasters/EA - QA Technician (March 2020 - May 2022)
After Graduation I landed my first role within the industry as a Quality Assurance Technician and was located at the Southam Office before moving to a more remote role due to Covid. During this time I worked on multiple projects from F1, Grid and DiRT titles.
Staffordshire University Games and Visual Effects Show Reel 2018
Time stamp 0:14 and 0:20 (Game - Spoils of the Sea)